Wise is an online money transfer service founded in London UK, cheap, safe, and fast to send money abroad. It supports debit card credit card transactions among multiple currencies.
1. Sign in Wise: https://wise.com or Mobile App.
2. Attention : Pick recipient currency - Chinese Yuan(CNY)
Option 1 --- Union Pay
Recipient (Account changes when meets maximum receive limit)
Email: Service@repkicks.cn
Account holder full name: GUIXIA XIE
Date of birth: 9th.March.1981
Country: CHINA
City: Xiamen
Address: Xiamen city,Fujian Province ,China
Post code: 361000
Unionpay card No.: 6217856400013666608
Option 2 --- Alipay
Recipient (Account changes when meets maximum receive limit)
Family name: XIE
Given name: ZHIGUANG
Alipay account : 943179823@qq.com
mobile: +86 13162229836
After the transfer, please email/message us a picture of payment with CNY amount.
Thank you.
Contact Us
Email: service@yeskicks.cn or service@repkicks.cn
Skype: honghaohong or Repkicks
WhatsApp: +86 130 2399 4687
Wechat: Repkicks